The Happy Camper’s Guide to How THC Works

Whether you’re just setting off on your cannabis adventure or you’ve blazed many trails already, you’re probably familiar with Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This cannabinoid is famous, and for good reason — it’s what causes that cerebral feeling (and the munchies, and the giggles, and on and on) so often associated with cannabis.

How THC actually works, though, is a fascinating journey through human and plant biology. So, if you’re curious about why this one little compound packs such a potent punch, and how that could influence your cannabis product choices, this guide is for you.

Defining THC

THC is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis. It’s one of more than 100 phytocannabinoids found in the plant — other famous ones include CBD and CBN — but THC is arguably the most famous.

THC is responsible for the “high” that cannabis causes. In cannabis flower, THC is commonly found ranging from 15 to 30% potency; in other types of products, such as cannabis concentrates, these levels can reach much higher.

What Are the Effects of THC?

As one of the most researched cannabinoids, we know a great deal about how THC affects us when we consume it. It’s worth noting that research is ongoing and we’re learning more about this compound all the time, but the following are some of the observed effects that THC reliably has on cannabis consumers.

  • Relaxation and stress relief: THC has sedative effects that can induce a sense of relaxation and calmness. Many people use cannabis containing THC to unwind after a long day or to alleviate symptoms of anxiety or stress.
  • Appetite stimulation: If you’ve heard of the “munchies” — or wanted some tacos an hour or so after you consumed cannabis — you’ve experienced this effect. THC is known to increase appetite, which can enhance and elevate the eating experience. It can also be helpful for those with conditions that cause appetite loss and weight loss.
  • Enhanced creativity: Some users report that THC can enhance creativity and focus, leading to increased productivity in certain tasks. However, effects can vary greatly depending on individual tolerance and dosage.
  • Pain relief: THC has been known to alleviate various types of pain, including chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and pain associated with a variety of health conditions.
  • Nausea and vomiting relief: THC has antiemetic properties, meaning it can help reduce nausea and vomiting. If you’ve heard of cancer patients using cannabis to help manage the symptoms and side effects of their illness, this is one of the primary reasons why.

Does THC have any side effects?

THC may have some adverse side effects, though these generally can be limited by avoiding over-consumption. Here’s a closer look at some of the most common side effects:

  • Short-term memory impairment: THC can impair short-term memory and cognitive function, making it difficult to concentrate or remember recent events while under its influence. This effect is temporary and subsides once the THC has metabolized out of your system.
  • Increased heart rate: THC can cause a temporary increase in heart rate, which may be concerning for individuals with cardiovascular issues. It’s essential to be mindful of this effect, especially for those with pre-existing heart conditions.
  • Potential for anxiety or paranoia: While THC can have calming effects for many users, it can also induce feelings of anxiety, paranoia, or panic in others, especially if you take too much. It’s essential to start with low doses and monitor your reactions carefully.

Remember, the effects of THC can vary significantly from person to person based on factors such as dosage, tolerance, method of consumption, and individual physiology. It’s always a good idea to be smart about trying cannabis. Start with a small amount and wait to see how you feel, especially if you’re new to cannabis or have any underlying health concerns. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask for guidance from a knowledgeable cannabis professional.

Why Does THC Affect Us the Way It Does?

The reason THC produces all these effects is because of its interaction with the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is found throughout the entire human brain and body and consists of cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoids, and enzymes, which all work together to regulate a wide range of functions. These functions include the way we feel pain, our appetites, our moods, our energy levels, our metabolism, and more.

Generally, the ECS works with chemicals our body already produces — endocannabinoids like anandamide or 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). These endocannabinoids are produced as needed and bind to cannabinoid receptors to maintain a sense of balance in our bodies. Then, they are broken down by the enzymes of the ECS and recycled so they can be produced again.

Phytocannabinoids like THC interact similarly with the ECS. THC binds to and activates both major types of cannabinoid receptors found in the ECS, the CB1 receptor and the CB2 receptor. These receptors are located throughout the central nervous system and immune system. This activation “pulls on the levers” of the ECS and can produce different results that change everything, from how we feel pain to whether we experience hunger to affecting our mood and creativity.

Of course, it’s important to note that just because THC “pulls on these levers” doesn’t mean it will always provide a benefit, or that it will feel precisely the same each time. It merely can affect these aspects of how our minds and bodies work. So, it’s always important to consume responsibly and understand how the amounts of THC you consume can affect you differently.

How Much THC Should I Consume?

The answer varies depending on your personal tolerance level, which is influenced by your own body chemistry, the frequency with which you consume, environmental factors, how much you’ve eaten, and more. If you’re just starting out, we generally recommend using 5 mg THC as a baseline to gauge how it affects you. You can even try a lower amount, around 2.5 mg, if you want to be more cautious. (This is easily doable by cutting an edible into halves or quarters, depending on the dosage of the piece.) If you’re inhaling, start with one inhale of flower or perhaps a vape. Save concentrates for another time.

If you don’t feel much after your “starter” dose, you can gradually increase the amount until you reach your desired effects. If the dose provides too intense an experience, you’ll know to consume lower amounts in the future.

When you’re considering potency, you should also consider the product type you’re choosing. Cannabis flower is generally inhaled, resulting in fast-acting, intense effects that quickly subside. Edibles, on the other hand, tend to take effect slowly – taking up to an hour or two after consuming to reach full effect – and last for a long time. So, there is a difference between consuming 5 mg THC by smoking flower and consuming 5 mg THC by eating a gummy. If you’re not sure about how much to take of each product, talk to a budtender about your goals and expectations.

Even if it can be difficult to figure out the precise amount of THC that’s right for you, there’s one rule that can increase the odds you have a positive session: start slow. Whether you take just one hit or only eat a nibble of a gummy to start, give your cannabis product some time to take effect first before consuming more. Only slowly consume more after you’ve allowed your cannabis product to fully take effect in order to avoid over-consuming.

How to Shop for THC Products – 6 Easy-to-Follow Steps

To maximize your chances of choosing the best cannabis product for your goals, follow these six simple steps.

Know your cannabis goals

Take some time to think about what you want out of your cannabis experience. Are you trying to alleviate some aches and pains? Do you want to have a good laugh with friends? Would you prefer to unwind and get some rest at the end of a long workday? Your goals may affect the product types you choose, so have a clear sense of your objectives in mind before beginning your product search.

Visit a licensed dispensary

Make sure you’re visiting a licensed cannabis dispensary. In New Jersey, licensed dispensaries are required to carry third-party tested cannabis products that are guaranteed to be high quality and safe. Unlicensed shops or stores like smoke shops are not beholden to this requirement, so you can’t be sure of what you’re getting. At licensed dispensaries like Boone Town Provisions, you can be certain that every item on the shelf is tested and delivers what it promises on the label. Take a trip to our products page to learn more about the cannabis products at Boone Town Provisions!

Check the potency

Understanding the potency is a good place to begin because it helps you gauge whether a product may be too intense or just right for you before considering other important factors.

When you begin comparing cannabis products, start by checking the THC potency on the label. This may be expressed in milligrams, a percentage of weight by volume, or both. For lower tolerance or new consumers, consider products with relatively low amounts of THC to start. Those with more experience or higher tolerances may prefer products with higher levels of THC, like concentrates.

Consider other cannabinoids and terpenes

It’s not just about the THC content. Other cannabinoids and compounds like terpenes (the flavorful parts of cannabis that lend the plant its smell) can influence your overall experience. The way these compounds work together is called the entourage effect and it can be quite complex. However, it’s important to realize that all the other parts of a cannabis product play a key role in how a product makes you feel. If you’re not sure which other compounds to look for, explain your goals to a budtender who can point you in the right direction.

Ask for recommendations

Speaking of budtenders, these expert staff members are trained on all the products at Boone Town Provisions. So, if you have any questions or need recommendations, simply talk to one about what you’re looking for and they’ll be happy to point you in the right direction. Cannabis can be complex, but with these friendly budtenders on your side, you’ll be able to navigate our vast inventory like a pro.

Test different cannabis products

Variety is the spice of life, so don’t be afraid to try new cannabis products and see what works best for you. Take note of your experience each time. If there’s a particular product you really like, keep in mind things like its THC potency, other cannabinoid content, and terpene profile. Similarly, if there’s a product you really don’t like, take note of what’s in it and you’ll know to avoid these combinations in the future. When it comes to cannabis, nothing beats trial and error for finding your new go-to product.

Boone Town Provisions is Your Partner on Your Cannabis Expedition

When you set off on your cannabis journey, you don’t have to head into uncharted territory alone. Boone Town Provisions offers the widest range of high-quality cannabis products in New Jersey, along with helpful, expert staff that can support your buying decision. We’re open and serving all of Morris County and beyond, so sign up for updates to get the latest.

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