Buy CBD Oil and Products in New Jersey

Buy vetted, tested, and reliable CBD products from Boone Town Provisions!

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant. It’s known for its therapeutic properties — and for its lack of mind-altering effects. 

CBD offers a spectrum of potential health benefits, ranging from soothing pain to calming anxiety to promoting better sleep. Its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system is believed to foster a sense of balance and well-being. You’ll typically find CBD in tincture, capsule, topical, and edible forms. In dispensaries, CBD is typically found alongside THC in these products, and you’ll occasionally find cannabis flower strains with high amounts of CBD as well.


CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are like two cousins from the same cannabis family, but they have very different personalities. 

Both CBD and THC interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a series of receptors, enzymes, and compounds that regulates many systems throughout your body. However, they do so in different ways. THC primarily binds to cannabinoid receptors in your brain, particularly the CB1 receptors, leading to that famous cannabis high. Conversely, CBD influences receptors and neurotransmitters indirectly without binding to cannabinoid receptors. That’s why CBD doesn’t have the same “heady” effects,” and its presence can help reduce THC’s intensity.

What's different about CBD sold in a dispensary?

The CBD in cannabis products sold in dispensaries comes from high-THC cannabis. That means it’s under the same regulations as THC. CBD sold outside a dispensary is derived from low-THC industrial hemp. While hemp and cannabis are the same plant, they are regulated differently, which greatly influences the outcome of the final product. 

Why buy CBD from a dispensary?

You can count on the quality. Dispensaries must carry tested products. Any product that contains CBD in Boone Town has been fully tested to comply with state law. This ensures that what you’re purchasing is safe and accurately labeled, providing peace of mind about the product and what it contains.

You can rely on knowledgeable staff. Your journey begins with budtenders who know cannabis from A to Z. They can offer personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and preferences to help you choose the right products and dosage for your desired outcomes.

You’ll have a lot to choose from: Dispensaries offer a wide variety of CBD products, including oils, tinctures, edibles, topicals, and more. The various selections allow you to explore different delivery methods and formulations to find the perfect product to fit your lifestyle and preferences. 

Types of CBD products you can buy at a New Jersey dispensary

Edibles with CBD:

CBD-infused edibles in NJ come in various forms, including gummies, chocolates, (soon to come) beverages, and more. Edibles with CBD in a dispensary typically come in different ratios, catering to different preferences and needs. For example, products with higher CBD content and minimal THC are usually favored by those seeking the benefits of cannabinoids without the intoxicating effects of THC. 

Tinctures with CBD in them:

CBD tinctures are liquid extracts of CBD infused into a carrier oil. They come with a dropper for precise dosing and can be administered sublingually (under the tongue) for fast absorption into the bloodstream. CBD tinctures are great because they allow for discretion and flexibility in dosage – allowing consumers to adjust their intake based on individual needs and preferences.

Flower with high CBD levels:

While not as common as high THC flower, you may find strains with elevated levels of CBD. Sometimes, it’s a strain that contains around 1% CBD for a little bit of balance. In some cases, it’s a strain specifically bred for its high CBD content. Ask a budtender to be your guide.

CBD is not restricted by ounce or grams in the same way as THC, but that doesn’t mean you can buy more high CBD products because they contain less THC. You still have to abide by the THC limitations. For example, an edible that contains 100mg of THC and 300mg of CBD still counts THC toward your total. These limits are subject to change, so it’s advisable to check out the latest regulations before purchasing CBD or cannabis products in New Jersey. 

Determining the appropriate dosage of CBD can vary from person to person, as individual factors such as body weight, metabolism, and tolerance play a significant role. A typical starting point for many individuals is around 5mg of CBD daily. 


Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it as needed while monitoring how you feel is always advisable. Some people may opt for microdosing, which involves taking small amounts throughout the day to maintain consistent levels of CBD in your system. 


When deciding on the proper dosage, consider your specific goals and reasons for consuming CBD, whether it’s to alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, or enhance overall wellness. Experimentation and listening to your body’s response are crucial to finding the optimal dosage that works best for you. Consulting with a budtender can also provide valuable guidance and personalized recommendations based on your needs.

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